
I greatly enjoy and am passionate about teaching, and have been a teaching assistant, tutor, and/or grader throughout my undergraduate career at Princeton and my graduate career at Penn. Here is a list of my teaching positions in reverse chronological order:

At Penn:

  • Graduate Cryptography, CIS 5560. Semesters: Fall 2022
  • Algorithmic Game Theory, NETS 412. Semesters: Spring 2022, Spring 2021
  • Theory of Algorithms, CIS 320. Semesters: Fall 2021

At Princeton:

  • Complexity Theory, COS 487/MAT 407. Semesters: Fall 2019
  • Economics and Computing, COS 445. Semesters: Spring 2019
  • Algorithms and Data Structures, COS 226. Semesters: Fall 2018, Spring 2018
  • Introduction to Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach, COS 126. Semesters: Fall 2017

While at Princeton, I also worked as an individual and study-hall tutor at the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning while honing my teaching skills through their tutor training sessions. I was a tutor for the following courses:

  • Advanced Multivariate Calculus, MAT 203
  • Linear Algebra, MAT 202
  • Multivariate Calculus, MAT 201

Volunteer Teaching: Between 2017 and 2019, I volunteered for the Princeton Splash program organized by the Pace Center for Civic Engagement, where I designed and taught lectures to local (NJ) high-school students in grades 9 through 12. My goal was to introduce them, in an accessible and hopefully inspiring way, to some exciting undergraduate- and graduate-level topics: Theoretical Machine Learning (Spring 2019), Algorithmic Game Theory (Spring 2018), Quantum Cryptography, and Graph Algorithms (Spring 2017).